The Persimmon Tree

The Persimmon Tree prides itself on its unique and delicious teas, and perhaps their Chocolate Banana Tea most exemplifies these qualities. This tea is perfect as a dessert tea, comprising the sweet and satisfying elements of chocolate and banana, as well as the unexpected addition of rooibos, pink peppercorn, and pieces of apple. Perfect hot in front of a winter fire, or iced on a hot summer day, this sweet tea provides many health benefits, as do almost all of The Persimmon Tree’s teas. 

Some of these benefits include boosting the body’s natural immune system, reducing the risk of cancer, lowering risk of heart disease, reducing allergies and digestive problems, and preventing the depletion of iron reserves, due to its low tannin content. The Persimmon Tree combined the two most important factors, taste and health benefits, in their best-selling Banana Chocolate blend.

Ready For A Blossoming Tea Experience?

Ready For A Blossoming Tea Experience? Blossoming Tea, often known as blooming tea or flowering tea, is a visual delight that provides you with multiple health benefits along with its soothing taste and aroma. Before brewing, it looks like a carefully wrapped bundle of leaves and flowers. Then, as it steeps in hot water, it begins to bloom into a beautiful flower, sometimes even with a ring of flowers above it, often referred to as a ‘halo’.

To experience the magical blossoming process, boil some water, let it cool for a couple of minutes, and then pour it over the blossoming tea in a transparent teapot or mug. After 3-5 minutes, you’ll see the bundle open to form a beautiful flower. Once fully opened, your tea is ready to serve.

You can find high-quality blossoming or blooming tea at The Persimmon Tree, an online tea store specializing in gourmet organic and fair trade loose-leaf tea. The Persimmon Tree carries all kinds of tea, blossoming tea being just one of them.

To find out some of blossoming tea’s many health benefits or to buy blossoming tea online, visit The Persimmon Tree today at